5 Reasons Why I Can’t Give Up On Myself

#4 I’m falling in love with myself again.

Divina Grey


“Where’d you go? I miss you so. Seems like it’s been forever since you’ve been gone.

She said, ‘Some days I feel like shit. Some days I wanna quit and just be normal for a bit.’”

I sat down to write this piece, and “Where’d You Go” by Fort Minor was stuck on a loop in my head.



Divina Grey

Mom 💕| Writer ✍ | Musician 🤘🎸| CNA 💜 | Sporty Spice 🏋️‍♀️🚵‍♀️ | Free Spirit ✌🏳️‍🌈 | Coffee Connoisseur ☕ | divinasrelease@gmail.com 💻📧