Boys And Their Toys

A lesson in selfishness and healthy boundaries

Divina Grey
Unwritten Journal


I guess you could say it hurts my feelings a little — but I sit back and try to understand. I have spent so much money on him; I’ve totally spoiled him from the beginning, and he has put in his share too. He takes me out to eat and to see a movie once in a while. But now he finally has extra money to blow on things, and it’s all about stuff he wants. I have been so selfless with my money, and despite my generosity (which I would do all over again even if I didn’t get anything in return), when we go to the mall, and he has money to burn — he spends it all on himself.

Yes, it does hurt my feelings that he’s not as considerate as I wish he were sometimes.

Can you describe your relationship with money in five words or less?

Doran Lamb, Katlyn Gallo, JoJo, E. Scott Alighieri, and you!

Here’s my ground-breaking response: Money — it comes and goes. (Just like relationships.)

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Divina Grey
Unwritten Journal

Mom 💕| Writer ✍ | Musician 🤘🎸| CNA 💜 | Sporty Spice 🏋️‍♀️🚵‍♀️ | Free Spirit ✌🏳️‍🌈 | Coffee Connoisseur ☕ | 💻📧