Proud Moments of Parenting in a Nutshell

Or on a bookshelf

Divina Grey
4 min readOct 29, 2019

I bought my daughter, Luna*, her first journal today.

Oh! How my heart sang with glee!

She’d been bugging me to take her to the school bookfair since last week, and today I just happened to have my wallet with me at pick-up.

While she fought the crowd in the tiny make-shift book store hunting for the perfect book for her seven-year-old self, I also started to browse.

I spotted a book called “I Am Love: A Book of Compassion” by Susan Verde.

What a magnificent and grounding book for children (and humans, period) in today’s unhinged world.

If I were someone like, say, Oprah, you all would have a copy in the mail on the way already.

Spotting that book today was too coincidental to not mean more. With (relentless) weekly therapy sessions pummeling my soul to a pulp, I so needed a quick pick-me-up today — even if it was from a children’s book.

I am a little embarrassed to say I didn’t buy it because it was $14.99. I’m pretty sure I can find it cheaper on Amazon. But that’s beside the point. As my thirty-seven-year-old eyeballs read through each page and paused to…



Divina Grey

A Certified Nursing Assistant, Mom, Musician, Fitness Enthusiast, and Owner of Divina's Release publication. | Open to gigs: